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Slack integration

Dover sends candidates to your Slack job channel for you to approve or reject

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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

With Dover's Slack integration, you'll get top candidates sent directly to you in your job Slack channel. You can advance or reject candidates directly from Slack with the click of a button. Depending on your Dover plan, your job channel will have not only members of your team, but also Dover Bot, Dover Support Team, Dover Assistant (beta), and your Embedded Recruiter.

Join your Slack job channels

If you are the hiring manager or recruiter on a job, you will be invited to join your job slack channel. Interviewers and other team members who are involved in the hiring process should also join the job slack channel so that they can help evaluate candidates.

How to join a job channel:

  1. Go to the Dover App

  2. Click on each job whose Slack channel you'd like to join

  3. On the Overview page for the job, click Join Slack channel

Join your Slack admin channel

Depending on your Dover plan, you may also be invited to join a Slack admin channel. Admin channels are intended for more strategic conversations that are not job specific. Joining your admin channel will enable you to have direct conversations with your Embedded Recruiter across all of your roles. Ping your Embedded Recruiter directly if you are interested in joining your admin channel.

👀 Review candidates in Slack

Once you've joined your job channel, you'll see relevant info and links about candidates to help you make decisions about them.

From Slack, you can schedule an interview, send a rejection or view their profile in Dover.

As candidates move through your interview process, you'll get notifications in the Slack channel whenever their interview stage is updated. If your plan has Dover scheduling these later stages, you can advance them using the buttons in Slack at every interview stage up to the final interview!

❓ FAQs

❓ What's Dover Bot?

Dover Bot is our custom Slack integration! In addition to the candidate threads described above, Dover Bot may occasionally ping you, usually about candidate responses or scheduling. You'll also be pinged with reminders to review candidates if they've been awaiting a response for more than 24 hours.

❓ Am I required to use Slack?

While utilizing our Slack integration is not required, it's strongly recommended! Candidates will surface in Slack, and if you're using Dover for scheduling, Dover Bot will ping you in Slack with reminders and important candidate messages. If you're on a contract with Dover, Dover's Support Team is embedded in Slack as well.

❓ What's the difference between an "admin channel" and a "job channel?"

Candidates for a given job will surface in the job channel - this channel will have a name such as yourcompany-dover-senior-software-engineer. Dover Bot is integrated in this channel, and if you're on a contract with Dover, your Dover Team will be present in this channel as well so you can ask us questions about candidates and your job's settings!

The admin channel (yourcompany-dover-admin) is just for you and your Dover Team - this is a space for you to discuss account-level topics, develop your hiring plan, or whatever else you'd like to use it for!

❓ I'm having trouble joining the Slack channel - can you help?

No worries! Depending on the security settings of your company's Slack account, your IT admin (or Slack workspace Admin) may need to grant you permission to join an external Slack channel. If you’d like Dover to resend the invitation, just reach out through email and we are happy to redirect it to you and anyone else on your team you’d like to invite.

If you share the invite link with your IT admin they should be able to grant you the permissions you need to join the shared channel(s).

If your company doesn’t already have an active Slack workspace, please reach out to your Customer Experience Partner. We are happy to invite you as a guest to the Dover workspace so you can access the needed information and Dover <> Slack integration flow.

❓ Can I turn off pings from Dover Bot in Slack?

Dover Bot will ping you about candidate communications as well as occasional reminders to take action on candidates who are awaiting a response from you. If you're looking to customize these Slack notifications, reach out to the Dover Support Team.

If you'd like another member of your team to receive these pings, they will need to be listed as the hiring manager or recruiter for the role in question - you can update this in Job Basics, though do note that this will not update your outreach or your interview plan!

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