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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

What does each number represent?

  • Candidates sent to Slack

    • The number of candidates sent to Slack. Can be filtered by date, channel, and source.

      • Note that candidates added to the Candidates after the outreach stage will not be included in these numbers.

  • % of total candidates + benchmark

    • Percent of total candidates sent to Slack from each channel and the benchmark percent of total candidates sent to Slack for the type of role based on aggregated data.

    • Only appears when there are ≥ 10 total candidates sent to Slack across all channels.

    • These numbers are all-time numbers and are not affected by filters.

  • Inbound numbers

    • The number of applicants: Number of inbound applicants received. Can be filtered by date and source.

    • The number of active sources: Number of currently active sources. Not affected by filters.

  • Outbound numbers

    • Replied rate: Number of candidates who responded to outreach (both interested and not interested) divided by the number of candidates contacted, excluding candidates who were contacted in the last 2 weeks. Can be filtered by date, source, and demographics.

    • Replied rate benchmark: Average replied rate aggregated across similar jobs. Not affected by filters.

    • Interested rate: Number of candidates who responded interested to outreach divided by the number of candidates contacted excluding candidates who were contacted in the last 2 weeks. Can be filtered by date, source, and demographics.

    • Interested rate benchmark: Average interested rate aggregated across similar jobs. Not affected by filters.

  • Referrals numbers

    • The number of potential candidates: Number of connections across all colleagues’ connections that could be a potential fit for this role. Not affected by filters.

    • The number of candidates contacted: Number of connections that were contacted. Can be filtered by date.

    • The number of colleagues who uploaded connections: Number of team members who have uploaded their LinkedIn connections. Not affected by filters.

  • Interview funnel

    • Benchmark: Average number of candidates who have entered each stage and average pass-through rates aggregated across all jobs and all types of jobs for an interview funnel. Not affected by filters.

    • Entered stage: Number of candidates who have entered each stage of the funnel. Can be filtered by date, channel, source, and demographics (outbound only).

      • Note that candidates added to the pipeline after the outreach stage will be included in these numbers — but they will not be included in the Sent to Slack numbers.

    • Pass-through rates (also known as conversion rates): Average pass-through rates (number of candidates who have entered the current stage divided by the number of candidates who have entered the previous stage excluding active candidates in the previous stage).

      • Can be filtered by date, channel, source, and demographics (outbound only).

    • Active: Number of currently active candidates in each stage. Can be filtered by date, channel, source, and demographics (outbound only).

    • Lost: Number of candidates lost (rejected, withdrew, snoozed) at each stage. Can be filtered by date, channel, source, and demographics (outbound only).

      • Rejected: Number of candidates you’ve rejected.

      • Withdrew: Number of candidates who have withdrawn from the process either from going unresponsive or formally withdrawing.

      • Snoozed: Number of candidates that have been marked as “snoozed” — most commonly used for candidates who mention that they’re not ready right now but may be ready in a few months’ time.

How do the filters work?

  • Date

    • You can filter on the time period you’d like to view the data for.

      • Based on first contacted on date for outbound and referrals candidates, and first applied date for inbound candidates.

  • Channels / Sources

    • You can filter on a specific channel (Outbound, Inbound, Referrals) to view all data that is relevant for that channel only.

    • You can also filter on specific currently active sources (e.g. LinkedIn, Indeed) within a certain channel to view all data that is relevant for that source only.

    • Previously active but currently inactive sources will not be available to be filtered.

  • Demographics

    • Dover intelligently categorizes candidates based on the candidate profile data and responses for the following filters — this categorization may not be 100% accurate.

      • Demographics

        • Only available if filtered on outbound channel or sources.

          • All: Data shown for all candidates.

          • Female / URM: Data shown for female and URM candidates only.

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