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Interview feedback forms

Create, manage, and submit structured candidate feedback using customizable forms that align with your interview stages.

Updated over a month ago

Standardize your interview evaluations and make better hiring decisions with customizable feedback forms that ensure consistent candidate assessment across your hiring team.

Creating feedback forms

From company settings

  1. Go to Settings & Members

  2. Select Feedback Forms

  3. Click New in the upper right corner

From interview plan

  1. Navigate to any job's interview plan

  2. Click on a stage

  3. Select + New Feedback Form from the feedback form dropdown

Form setup options

  • Start from template: Choose from Dover's pre-made forms based on role type

    • Select a role type from the dropdown

    • Select a template from the dropdown

    • Edit template name

    • Edit, add, delete, and reorder interview questions

    • Save feedback form

  • Start from scratch: Build a custom form

    • Add template name

    • Click Add question and type a question

    • Include help text with instructions for interviewer

    • Choose how the interviewer can respond:

    • Edit, add, delete, and reorder interview questions

    • Click Save feedback form

  • Add questions:

    • Free text for open-ended responses

    • Select for multiple-choice questions

    • Include helper text for interviewer guidance

Managing feedback forms

  1. Navigate to Settings & Members

  2. Select Feedback Forms under Company settings.

  3. Take the following actions:

    1. View assigned jobs for each form

    2. See form creator information

    3. Edit existing forms

    4. Duplicate forms for variations

    5. Delete unused forms

Note: Admin users can edit all feedback forms, while Basic users can only edit forms they created.

Assigning forms to interview stages

  1. Open your job's Interview Plan

  2. Click Edit on the desired stage

  3. Select a feedback form from the dropdown menu

  4. Click Save to confirm assignment

Note: Forms can be used across multiple jobs and stages.

Submitting feedback

Accessing the form

  • Open the candidate's detail page

  • Select the Interview Feedback tab

  • Click Submit Feedback

  • Alternatively, use the link in the calendar invite

Completing feedback

  1. Select a candidate

  2. Complete the feedback form

  3. Click Submit Feedback

  4. Review final submission

  5. Edit if needed (limited to Admin users and interviewer)

Reviewing feedback

Access candidate feedback through:

  • Individual candidate profiles

  • Overall rating cards

  • Detailed review submissions

Note: Only Admins and the Hiring Manager and Recruiter for a job can review interview feedback.

Frequently asked questions

Can multiple interviewers submit separate feedback for the same interview?

Yes, each interviewer can complete their own feedback form for a candidate.

Do form updates affect completed interviews?

No, changes to feedback forms only apply to future interviews.

Do Dover feedback forms sync with other ATS systems?

No, Dover feedback forms are separate from ATS feedback forms and do not sync with systems like Lever or Greenhouse.

Who can edit submitted feedback?

Only Admin users and the original feedback submitter can edit submitted feedback.

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