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ATS integrations

Learn how to connect your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with Dover to ensure seamless candidate management and prevent duplicate outreach.

Updated over a week ago

Supported integrations

Note: ATS Integration is only available for paid customers and is not available for free ATS customers.

Dover supports integration with the following ATS platforms:

  • Ashby

  • Greenhouse

  • Lever

Integration benefits

Syncing your ATS with Dover provides two key benefits:

  • Prevents duplicate candidate outreach via Sourcing

  • Ensures changes made in either system are reflected correctly in both places

Ashby integration setup

Connect Ashby to Dover

  1. Navigate to Settings & Members > ATS Settings

  2. Follow instructions to create an API key in Ashby

  3. Add your API key to Dover

  4. Click Save and Validate

Note: Initial sync may take up to 24 business hours to complete. A success screen will appear once complete.

Sync jobs

Successfully synced jobs will display a sync indicator.

  1. Go to Settings & Members > ATS Settings

  2. Edit your Dover job

  3. Select the corresponding Ashby job from dropdown

  4. Select whom to post on behalf of (typically hiring manager or recruiter)

  5. Click Save

Configure interview plan

  1. Select a job in Dover

  2. Navigate to Interview Plan

  3. Edit each interview stage

  4. Under ATS stage mapping, select corresponding Ashby stage

  5. Save changes

Greenhouse integration setup

Connect Greenhouse to Dover

  1. Navigate to Settings & Members > ATS Settings

  2. Follow instructions to create API credentials in Greenhouse

  3. Add your credentials to Dover

  4. Click Save and Validate

Note: Initial sync may take up to 24 business hours to complete.

Sync jobs

  1. Go to Settings & Members > ATS Settings

  2. Edit your Dover job

  3. Select corresponding Greenhouse job

  4. Configure posting settings

  5. Save changes

Configure interview plan

  1. Select a job in Dover

  2. Navigate to Interview Plan

  3. Edit each interview stage

  4. Map to Greenhouse stages

  5. Save changes

Lever integration setup

Connect Lever to Dover

  1. Navigate to Settings & Members > ATS Settings

  2. Click Connect to Lever (requires Lever Super Admin approval)

  3. Click Save

Note: Initial sync may take up to 24 business hours to complete.

Sync jobs

Successfully synced jobs will display a sync indicator.

  1. Go to Settings & Members > ATS Settings

  2. Edit your Dover job

  3. Select the corresponding Lever job

  4. Select whom to post on behalf of

  5. Configure when Sourcing Autopilot candidates are added

  6. Choose whether to sync applicants from Lever

  7. Configure automatic rejection settings

  8. Click Save

Configure interview plan

  1. Select a job in Dover

  2. Navigate to Interview Plan

  3. Edit each interview stage

  4. Under ATS stage mapping, select corresponding Lever stage

  5. Configure feedback forms:

    • For single-part interviews: Select corresponding Lever feedback form

    • For multipart interviews: Select feedback forms for each sub-stage

  6. Save changes

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the initial sync take?

Initial synchronization can take up to 24 business hours to complete for all supported ATS platforms.

Can I use ATS integration with a free account?

No, ATS integration is only available for paid Dover customers.

What happens if I make changes in my ATS?

Changes made in your ATS will automatically sync to Dover, ensuring both systems remain up to date.

How do I know if my jobs are synced correctly?

Successfully synced jobs will display a sync indicator in the Dover interface.

How do I sync my ATS applicants to Dover?

If you use Greenhouse or Lever, you can sync your applicants. Go to the Settings & Members > ATS Settings, select a job, toggle on Sync applicants.

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