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Careers page - Quick setup
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

You can build a personalized careers page using Dover! You can link or embed the careers page on your company website.

🌐 Create a Careers page in 3 Easy Steps:

Navigate to "Careers Page"

  1. Add your company logo, company information, any relevant links you'd like to share and a Company description with optional photos. Be sure to save your changes

  2. Publish Jobs to your Career's page by toggling on the jobs you'd like to be visible on your page from the 'Publish Jobs' tab.

3. Preview your Careers page with the link in the upper right hand corner.

Embed Your Dover Career's Page on your Website

You can embed your Dover Career page directly on your website by adding the following HTML code on your website.

<iframe width="800px" height="700px" src="{careers_page_link}?embed=1" frameBorder="0" />

Simply update the {careers_page_link} variable to the URL from your Career's page preview.

Insert the HTML code anywhere on your website, you can customize the width and height of the embed.

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