Track and manage candidates through your entire hiring process using Dover's comprehensive ATS features.
Attracting talent
1. Careers page
Dover can host a no-code careers page for you! Here's how:
Navigate to
Customize your page with logo, branding, team photos, and company information
Integrate the careers page with your website (optional)
2. Job posting
Create a job posting and share to attract candidates.
Click +Job to create a new position
Select your hiring team
Set your goal hire date
Add job details, description, and application form
3. Job boards
Dover offers one-click integration with LinkedIn, Indeed, X Hiring. You can connect your job posting to 90+ additional job boards:
Access the Job Boards tab for your job
Search for your preferred job boards
Follow the connection instructions for each platform
Managing talent
1. Applicants
Track and evaluate applicants from all sources in one central location:
Review applications in the Applicants tab
Take immediate action to bookmark, schedule, or reject
Startups can sort candidates automatically based on your criteria with Applicant Sorting
2. Candidates
Monitor candidate progress through the Candidates view:
Track candidates across all interview stages
Choose between kanban or list views
Access detailed candidate profiles including contact details, status, and communication history
3. Interview plan
Customize your interview process with flexible stage options:
Create single-part and multi-part interview stages
Add technical assessments and assignments
Configure stage-specific feedback forms
Set up automated email templates for each stage
4. Emailing & scheduling
Streamline candidate communications with integrated tools:
Connect your email here:
Enable direct candidate scheduling here:
Access email templates for consistent communication
Note: Currently supports Google Calendar and Gmail integration. Contact support for additional provider requests.
1. Email templates
For Google email users:
Create and customize templates
Set default templates for each interview stage on the Interview Plan
2. Interview feedback forms
Build standardized evaluation rubrics:
Click +New to create forms
Assign forms to specific interview stages
Submit feedback for a candidate profile
3. Members & permissions
Configure team access and permissions:
Set appropriate access levels (Admin or Basic)
Invite new team members or deactivate old team members
4. Interview preferences
Configure your interview availability and personal settings:
Set your personal preferences:
Add your pronouns and title
Add your calendar booking link. If using Dover Scheduling:
Authorize your calendar
Configure your scheduling availability
Set buffer times between interviews
Set your maximum number of interviews per day
Note: These settings help streamline the candidate scheduling process and ensure a consistent interview experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change a candidate's stage in the interview process?
From the kanban Candidates view, you can drag the candidate to the correct stage in the interview process.
From the candidate detail view, click the Status dropdown to update their interview stage.
Which email providers does Dover support?
Currently, Dover only supports Google for email and calendar integration. Contact [email protected] for updates about additional providers.
Can I customize the interview process for different roles?
Yes, create unique interview plans with single-part interviews, multi-part interviews, and assessments for each position.
Where can I find candidate feedback?
Access feedback in the candidate's profile under the Interview Feedback tab. Hiring managers, interviewers, and admins can view all submitted feedback.
How do I get additional help?
If you can't find answers in the Help Center, contact [email protected] for assistance.