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Dover Careers page
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

You can build a personalized careers page using Dover! Candidates can apply on your Careers page and you can start tracking applicants!

Set up a Dover Careers Page

Candidates frequently look at the company website to get more information about your company. Having a Careers Page outlining your brand, culture and values and your open roles can help attract better talent.

Build your company brand, Showcase your company culture and List all your open roles in one place.

How to Setup your Dover Careers

  1. In the Dover App, navigate to the Careers page using the link on the left-hand side of the page.

  2. Customize your Careers page

    • Add a company logo

      ⚠️ Your team logo should be at least 40px in height ⚠️

    • Update your Company Information by clicking 'Add Info' to add details to your Career's Page

      • Add Quick Facts such as location, company size, funding etc.

      • Add Links. Share your Website, LinkedIn page, or any other link. These will populate as

    • Add a Company Description to tell candidates a little about who you are! You can include photos in this field of your team or anything else you'd like to share.

  3. Preview your Careers page with the 'Preview' link at the top right of the page. Don't forget to click Save at the bottom of the page to save your updates.

Publish jobs to your Careers Page

To make your jobs visible on your Careers Page, please complete the following steps:

  1. In the Dover App, go to the Careers page

  2. Click the Publish Jobs tab to select which jobs will be visible on your Careers Page

  3. You can ✏️ Edit or View your job postings. If you do not want a job posting to be public, toggle it off.

  4. If the Publish toggled is on, your job will be listed on your Careers Page!

To view any applicants, be sure to also enable Job Boards and sort applicants using Dover's smart filtering. 🥳

How to remove a job from your Careers Page

  1. In the Dover App, go to the Careers page

  2. Click the Publish Jobs tab to select which jobs will be visible on your Careers Page

  3. Toggle off Publish next to the job you don't want published

  4. If the Publish toggled is off, your job won't be listed on your Careers Page.

Add Careers Page to your website

There are several ways to include a Careers page on your website.

Embed directly on your website

  1. In the Dover App, go to the Careers page

  2. Preview your Careers page and copy your Careers page url

  3. Replace the {careers_page_link} variable in the html code (see pic) with your careers page link

    <iframe width="800px" height="700px" src="{careers_page_link}?embed=1" frameBorder="0" />
  4. Insert the html code anywhere on your website.

    • You can customize the width and height of the embed.

    • More customization abilities coming soon!

Add as a link on your website

Link directly to the Careers page

Typically, this is added as a "Careers" or "View job openings" link on a company website.

  1. Click Copy the Careers page link to add it to your website.

To view a linked Careers page, please go to and click Careers in the footer.

Link to individual jobs on your website

  1. In the Dover App, go to the Careers page

  2. Click the Publish Jobs tab to select which jobs will be visible on your Careers Page

  3. Click View your job postings

  4. Copy the individual job posting url and add it to your website. ((eg.

    💡 Often, companies use a CTA like Learn More to link to the job application form

📔 Application Form

Each job will include the following:

  • A job description

  • A form for candidates to apply to the job.

Candidates who apply will be visible in Dover's Application Review

👥 Review Applicants

In Dover's Application Review, you can view applicants ranked by your criteria who applied from various job boards.

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