Company information
Company name
Click Edit next to your company name
Enter your updated company name
Click Save to apply changes
Company domains
Control which email addresses can access your Dover account:
View your current domains list
Set a primary domain:
Click Set as primary next to the desired domain
The primary domain will be marked with a checkmark
Add additional domains:
Click + Add domain
Enter the new domain
Click Save
Note: Users can only access Dover using email addresses from your approved company domains.
Company LinkedIn page
Enter your company's LinkedIn page URL
Click Save to update
Find your LinkedIn Company ID:
Visit your company's LinkedIn page
The number after "company/" is your Company ID
Enter your Company ID
Click Save
For detailed instructions on finding your LinkedIn Company ID, visit the LinkedIn help article.
Frequently asked questions
How do I remove a domain?
Admins can remove domains by clicking the delete icon next to the domain name. The primary domain cannot be removed until a new primary domain is selected.
What happens to existing users if I remove their domain?
Users with email addresses from removed domains will lose access to Dover upon their next login attempt.
Why do I need my LinkedIn Company ID?
The LinkedIn Company ID helps Dover accurately connect with your company's LinkedIn presence for improved candidate sourcing and verification.
Can I use personal email domains?
No, Dover only accepts company email domains to ensure secure access control for your organization.
What happens when my company goes through a rebrand?
Update your company name and company domain in Dover.
Make sure that you update your company information in other places in Dover including on your Careers Page.
Update your job postings, sourcing outreach copy, email templates and more.
Be sure that your members log in with their new email addresses and update their personal settings.